Hollywood Will Be saved

Will Be saved

Join us as we release a sound of freedom and hope and believe for an outpouring of God’s spirit on Hollywood Blvd! Join us in the heart of the city for worship, Gospel proclamation and baptisms!

Event Details

Why Hollywood?

Los Angeles/Hollywood can be considered one of the world’s most influential cities. For better or worse, things like fashion, entertainment, technology, international resources, spiritual & political ideologies are exported across the world.

We believe it is critical right now to rush into the open spaces heralding the answer to man’s deepest soul questions. Only in Christ, can one find eternal life and therefore true freedom and peace. Because of the nature and influence of California’s entertainment Capitol, doing this event on Hollywood Blvd almost feels like showcasing the Gospel on a TV screen that spans across the Earth’s Atmosphere.

Can a nation be changed in a day? Can California be saved?

Join us on August 4th for a flashpoint moment that we believe could jolt our nation into a new trajectory.

California Will Be Saved, Hollywood: A Stand For California

Stay Updated - Follow Us On Instagram

We post most of our content and event information through Instagram. Follow us @C awillbesaved to stay updated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the event is absolutely free to attend in every city. We do ask participants to register so that we can have an idea of the approximate amount of people attending.

To volunteer for our events fill our this form 

The Lord dropped this question into our hearts, “What if California was known for the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How would that impact the nation and the nations of the earth?”

Many on our team have been praying for years, for a move of God to sweep across California and spread throughout the nation. Recently, we decided to join our prayer to action. We are compelled by this vision to see every city and community in California lit on fire with the love of Jesus, believing that NOW is the time for a great harvest and revival to take place in this state. Where California goes, the nations go.

If we have learned anything in this season of action, it is that the harvest is truly ripe, souls are longing for hope and joy and something true and meaningful! And we have the greatest answer known to man in Jesus!
I believe we have stepped into a season of unprecedented breakthrough. Salvation. Deliverance. Healing. Freedom. Baptisms. Activation.

The ground in California has been prepared and now is the time for the rains of His Spirit.
It has only begun. God is raising up an army from the West Coast—an army of evangelists and worshippers, carriers of His presence—that are a great light in the darkness. Together, we will see California saved.